My Study Materials (Resources for Students)
I will be sharing the things I have created in the coming months here for anyone to…
I will be sharing the things I have created in the coming months here for anyone to use, free of charge (naturally). Please feel free to download and benefit from it, and let me know in the comments if anything was helpful.
My Anki deck for OBGYN: 273 cards
I’ve decided to upload my Anki deck for Obstetrics and Gynecology. I made these flashcards based on my own notes from UWorld that I did from approximately 85% of the UW questions (as of Dec 2021). Here are some disclaimers:
- they are unedited and may contain spelling mistakes (my speedy typing downfall)
- they may contain errors (things I misunderstood or wrote down wrong)
- they might be terrible cards (meaning they might not make sense to you, including my strange and unusual abbreviations)
- they were done to prepare for my exam – I am still currently reviewing them and editing them as I go along
The reason that I’ve decided to share them is:
- the template is really good, and I think others may benefit from it. It has 9 cloze deletion slots, each paired with a ‘comment’ part. I don’t remember where I got it from, but all credit goes to that person (I wish I remembered who it was, but I got it five years ago!).
- because I think it can be useful to see how others study. There’s a lot to learn from each other’s study habits and methods, and perhaps you might find a technique in there.
- because sometimes it’s useful to study other’s flashcards so as to learn things you didn’t know you didn’t know.
So there you have it. The first time I’ve been brave enough to share my study materials. I hope it helps you in some way, and does not greatly mislead you!